• Example with ads and multi-line posts
    The Facebook Facelift is a self initiated project to challenge the form and functionality of Facebook. It's streamlined, structured and linear interface is more comprehendible, enhancing the user experience and absorbability of content.
    The home page features many new benefits: the publisher toolbar enables users to post content from any page within facebook, saving time in navigating needlessly through profiles; the streams' two-tiered filter (content type & content contributers) also creates a more coherent structure with the core elements retaining their position throughout most of the site; and the live feed displays a constant stream of all content posted in a users network, which expands upon mouse over.
    Profiles also integrate with the system more seamlessly. Just as friend lists filter the stream by a select number of people, user profiles simply filter content to a single person, creating a clearer and more comprehendible layout.
    The Facebook Publisher subsite is designed to support the growing use of Facebook as a primary form of contact as email once was. The separate address, publisher.facebook.com, would be permitted in businesses where Facebook is banned, allowing users to send messages without the distractions of user generated content. The interface is a mirror of the publisher toolbar ensuring a consistent interface.
    SkimmerI openly accept that components of this were inspired by the beautiful Skimmer but I think there is more than enough individuality in this project to not call it a copy. I've never understood making things different just for the sake of it, it is a method of progression. From using Skimmer I found that the feed layout and expanded view were useful, and tried to improve these aspects through further simplification and clarity.
    AdvertisingAs this is a concept, I intentionally omitted banner advertising. However the layout has been designed to accommodate ads to the right, user content would simply scale to make space. It's no different to a concept car leaving out, say... the engine.
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